There is ancient city Byblos (Lebanon) where you can find amazing monastery of St. Charbel. This place is famous all over the world, people come here to get spiritual and physical healing. Here we were introduced with Father Miled. He is the director of quite famous choir that is unique for its amazing music in old Aramaic language. This music is not about art, it's more about service of God and people. 

·   GN:  How many Maronites are there in Lebanon?
Lebanon is multi-confessional country. Here are 18 religious communities. This diversity of religions leads to diversity of cultures and traditions. And each culture has contributed something into creating general Lebanese tradition. Starting from the 8th century the number of Christians have gradually become less in the Middle East. But Maronites have managed to save their independence.

Today in Lebanon there are 28% of Maronites. But you can see them much more all over the world.

GN: How does this religion affect people's behavior and lifestyle?

It is obvious. I will explain it easily.
Of course, religion affects lifestyle. Everyone have their customs, traditions and thinking. Some people are affected by religion, some are affected by society. Eastern society focuses on family, family gatherings, for example, at religious events, prayers.

To my mind, Christian air and soul in Lebanon is the same as in Europe, America and Australia. We all believe that Christianity is based on  sin disposal, love, forgiveness, freedom and dignity.

в храме Св.Шарбеля

·        GN: Do all these religions exist harmonically in one country, to your mind?
As I told before, we are multi-religious country. Constitution prescribes to respect every religion. It settles on a legal level some kind of balance of all basic religious groups.

However, there were some restrictions and constitutional term that might be understood as unfair. But in general all respect each other.

Division of Christians and Muslim is significant. But Christian and Muslim opposition was considered to be the most actual in Lebanese society. Religion in Lebanon is not only about individual preference expressed in ceremonies, rituals of church service. Religion is phenomenon that quite often determines social and political identification.  So, it is politicized. Even state power is divided, according to religious principle. You can notice that Lebanese Christians and Muslims differ from other  Christians and Muslims. Here we respect religion of each other. Of course, there are exceptions, where minorities don't respect religion of other's and this is how conflicts start. 

·          GN: How do you think, what is the future of the Maronite church?
The Maronite Church is a Church of persecution. It has not yet attained the age of "Church of Peace". It is in constant contact with other Eastern Churches. It also dialogues with the Muslim environment. Long accustomed to dealing with the Roman Catholic Church and France, the Maronites feel no apprehension cultivating cultural exchange. This affinity with their Antiochian identity has been constant in their history.
The Maronite community, by the way, is the largest Christian group, has its own patriarch, church service, and priestly customs. They are not centered as before only in Lebanon. For example if we are 800,000 to 1 million in here, all over the world we can find around 10 million.

The future offers many conflicts to Maronites. That’s why we need to pray in order to stay close to the Church. We are subject to many attacks, especially the young generation. This is what causes the carelessness and remoteness of some. Faith is not a way to manipulate God. It is not a power by which we make God do what WE want when He would be unwilling to do that thing. Faith in God is having the kind of incontestable and unconditional trust and confidence in Him.

·         GN: Now to the choir. What is happening today and how many members are there in "AsSawt Al’Atiq"?

It was created in 1997, thus expressing our religious beliefs, singing God and the country, in line with our Lebanese eastern identity, innovating while attached to the past.
Today, the group « AsSawt Al’Atiq » has become an Association. We are approximately around 300 persons, including choirs, directors, assistants, adherents, teachers and students of our music school.
We are known as « AsSawt Al’Atiq » in Arabic / "Qolo Atiqo" in Syriac, which means The Voice of One Time.
We have also a choir for youth, known as "Coro Aquilina". Very talented and with great potential.
From 1997 to 2016 we had concerts in and out of Lebanon and recorded many CDs.
Our mission is to share our Lebanese Maronite tradition and culture with others around the world and present it in a professional way. I believe that music is a way to connect with others, so we perform in a way that will leave a trace in our audiences, even if they have different mentality and culture. Music helps to define us, creating our communal self-identity.
In 2005-2006 we built a school for music and arts. We have 18 professional teachers and 200 students. We aim to give to our students the solid bases that will enhance their future career or talent.
Also our choir for adults counts 70 members (both gender) and the youth choir around 60 (also both gender). Until now we have recorded and launched eight CDs and performed in Lebanon and in France, Australia (Sydney Opera House), Jordan, Turkey, Switzerland, Belgium …

·         GN: So you are trying to value the Aramaic language in the choir's performance, right?
The Aramaic language was spread around the world before Islamic invasion and it was the original church language for prayers and religious celebrations in Antioch. After Islamic invasion the Arabic language started to spread out slowly especially in the countries occupied by Arabs. At that time the Arabic started replacing the Aramaic. But Syriac language, a dialogue of Aramaic, kept being used in the church during liturgical celebrations.

·         GN: While getting to know country we are always interested in personalities, any country can be presented through personality. How and why did you decide to become a priest?
I think this is a call from God. Our childhood was hard because of the war in Lebanon. The majority of young men joined then the Lebanese Forces in order to defend the country. Even though I lived in that atmosphere, this did not prevent me from going to church. War was never an obstacle, I was really attached to GOD.
After I finished my secondary school at the age of 18, my desire was to enter the Maronite order because of my deep personal convictions. I was thinking to enter at the age of 11 because I felt that I was close to God, but I believed that 18 was a better time to start my priesthood life and mission.
Why and how? I believe that it is a God's will. There was something inside me, that I don’t know how to describe, that directed me to that path. The Lebanese Forces mission was to safeguard the Christian community in Lebanon but by force, by the use of weapons. So I took their concept to love Christianity but by being a monk, by spreading the essence and spirituality of this religion, by representing its tradition and performing its rich musical legacy to others. I replaced weapons by music thus moved on from war to peace.

·         GN: Are there any priests in your family?
No, my maternal grandfather was a priest but I don’t know him.

 ·  GN: And what about your parent's opinion for being a priest?
My parents raised us in a way that every one of us has a free will to do whatever he wanted. They respected my decision but afterwards, I discovered that they were not enthusiastic about my choice.

·         GN: Every person has a mission in life. What is your mission and what are your dreams?

The first goal that I achieved was enrolling into the Lebanese Maronite Order and becoming a Monk.
Of course the dream of every monk is to become a Saint like Saint Charbel, Saint Rafka, Saint Neemtallah, Brother Estefan and many others. Our Saints are the example. Even if they lived in a different way accordingly to their time and era, completely different than what we live today, we adapt ourselves and look up to them. In brief, my mission is to spread the Christian mentality and traditions through promoting Christian testimony and putting it into action.

·       GN:   What are your values?

Humanity, respect and love.


·         GN: How do you see the future of the country?
Back in time till today, the overall condition of our country has never being stable, neither in politics nor economics. Every time that conflicts arouse we managed to get over them but we don’t know how. Of course, I am convinced that Lebanon wellbeing always relies on miracles because this country is mentioned many times in the old/new testimony. Jesus passed by this country, so did the disciples. This is why one can strongly feel God's presence here.
Yes, God's spirit is all over Lebanon.
I believe that the blood of our ancestors and the continuous presence of our Saints are our guarantee that we will continue to move on and overcome conflicts. They have always been there and will keep on watching over us, so we don’t fear for Lebanon.
How? Nobody knows. God knows. 

    (с) Gayanat project, 2016


Khan Al Saboun is a place for real devotees of high quality cosmetics. This village's roots go back to 1480. It is specialized in producing handmade soap and natural cosmetic products. Wholeness is its strong point. It means that all products 100% consist of natural ingredients, no synthetic. Moreover, here are used old recipes that have become a legend.
It is no wonder that Khan Al Saboun's philosophy is based on propaganda (in a good sense) of healthy lifestyle and usage of organic cosmetics.
Now boutique hotel, spa centre and organic restaurant are about to be opened on the territory of the village. The company supplies its products to many foreign countries and will not stop on it.


photo: kamel zebib

Sometimes we happen to meet persons that are difficult to be put into any borders. Their inner world is so boundless and the flow of their words is so big  that there is no choice but to provide them with a space for a Monologue. In this rubric our heroes talk about their intimate thoughts like actors standing on a big stage with one bright soffit lighting them, while the whole theatre is in complete silence and darkness. Absolute intimacy in the highest sense of this word. Just peer and listen attentively...

My name is Bshara Atallah. I am 42. I was born in Beirut where we lived through the whole Civil War. I spent my first 18 years at War.
Education - I studied in three directions. I studied public administration, population and demography in Beirut and at the same time I was doing acting and directing. Now I am doing more art rather than administration. But I have discovered that you always need to administrate your everyday work. Even if it's art, creation, you have to deal with people and papers. I am actor, dancer, choreographer, stylist, sometimes designer of costumes at theatre and film projects. In general, it is interesting to do arts and have opportunity to be in some places at the same time. For example, people see info in facebook and say: "Oh, my God, you are in Montreal!" And I say I am in Beirut but my film is in Montreal.  Funny: let's suppose you place a photo from Berlin and people will think you are there right now. I also do acting courses in a small school in Beirut. Over last 5 years I have done 3 projects that have participated in festivals in Beirut and theatre. Also  I am planning one work connected with production.


Everything around me inspires me. For example, if I see a lot of garbage, it inspires me to do particular things. If I see a lot of violence, it inspires me to do something against it. Artist expresses everything surrounding him and causing pain.  Many people living in luxurious areas think they need to go to India where there are many "sage" people. So, they are searching for this antagonism, while I have all of it here in Lebanon. As an artist sometimes you need to be an activist, otherwise things won't change. For example, I wanted to become an artist, to have education so that it would be official and then to do many things in the easier way, it's like a visa. I was trying to change people's mind, make them better or to tell them: "You can be better, if you change your behavior a little bit, point of view or if you try to be in somebody else's shoe. But people prefer not to get deep into things and they refer to "bad memory". People forgot even the huge war in Lebanon. Of course, war is a painful thing. People want to get rid of this pain and when the war is finished, they think they can do whatever they want. But if we look deeper, people that suffered war have something deep down that dictates them they should work and fight harder because now it's time to make sure it won't happen again. Because when war is finished, there is still something smoldering inside us and then suddenly it can get to the surface and explode. Well, this is the part of my inspiration.
Beautiful things also inspire me. Nature, colors, flowers' smells, people, children's smile. I like communicating with people from different backgrounds, countries, religions, statuses. I like this variety and I am very sociable. When you communicate, you know a lot of new things and this exchange of ideas and thoughts is wonderful. It also becomes inspiration for some work. Usually I love works that I do, because I am selective. That is why I told "yes" to this dialogue. If I say 'yes' to some project, it means I studied the script and I see the perspective. And I like such projects where I see the final result and I can feel that I affected somehow people's attitude towards something. Maybe, afterwards people will be able to create some changes themselves. 
photo: Nadine Abou Zaki


If we get into history, have a look at different artists, we can find out that it is always difficult to be an artist. It's not easy to be poor, to be rich, to be engineer, doctor, psychologist. And it's not easy to be a HUMAN, as you need to work hard on yourself. You need to say yourself everyday: "I need be better",  in spite of  your level of thinking. Even if you ask sellers at the street "how are you", they will reply that they are not good, as they didn't sell enough flowers. They want to sell more and seem better in front of others.
An artist has some kind of urge forwarded to people, meaning he wants to change the world to the better. It's great, even the idea itself is great. If we do something that changes others to the better, than we make our planet better. According to one research, if all people jump together at the same time, they can move the planet. The idea of working collectively is wonderful.

You know, everything is happening so quickly, brain have to adapt the changes every time, people have different worries, but sometimes you just really need silence so that to be able to re-load yourself. You always think about work, family, friends and etc. but suddenly you remember that there are you and you really need a minute of silence and free breathing. 

photo: kamel zebib

War has removed the feeling of "tomorrow", people live today. There are many films about the future. If you understand there is no future, then you should do something to have it. And sometimes it's important not WHAT you do, but HOW you do things. You see, smile affects, hugs  - all these things are unselfish. Use them, they will make you happy. You can become positive and change things around you. You always have a choice. You need to search for something that is interesting for you and the world at the same time. If you are selfish, then you risk to be alone. Those, who don't share thoughts and ideas, don't get a lot from people. Exchange is important and we are born with it. When you start communicating and interacting, you lose fear. Many people are afraid of communicating. War works the same way: I don't want to know you, I just want to kill you. Perhaps, your business and my business make a positive contribution, so, maybe we could cooperate and run together instead of constant competition. We can move each other forward. But things happening now depress me. Everything is so bad that people want to move.
For example, if we have a look at human cruelty. Over the last 4 years there have been many cases of killings and beating of women by their husbands and family members. What is going on? Why do people marry because of love and then kill each other because of love? How to explain that you must think and then act? How to get through to people and allow them to bright their message to you? Sometimes art deals with it, it allows to see things from different angles: from the point of view of the director, actor, choreographer, dancer, sculptor. And when it is successful, you think "Wow!"