«World harmony does not have boundaries …»

Our history started at that moment when we discovered wonderful world around us. Special people of all races and nations, multicolored palette of cultures and traditions, great works of art – all of these inspired us from our early childhood.

Once we decided to create such a project that would help to combine into one space everyone who is not indifferent to the beauty of this world, through available for us the five senses.

There are several aspects in the field of attention of  GAYANAT project.


Our task is to present interesting person (or group, society, company), to tell his/her history and then to become the space for the mutual cooperation. We are interested in persons captured and inspired by their business/activity and are ready to share their knowledge and skills with others. Scope of activity is not essential: theater, music, gastronomy, architecture, medicine, enlightenment, travels, any types of business (ranging from small clothing manufacture to large pastry factories) and etc.

Presentation has the following format: interview+photo+video shooting. Particularly this combination opens more fully the heart of a Personality.  You can contact us with your comments and requests for information about our partnership.

Secondly, EVENTS.

GAYANAT project is focused on a practical activity. That is why we arrange meetings, master classes, lectures, seminars on widest palettes of topics (with light ethnic mood:). Events are arranged as by project directors, so by specially invited persons that would like to share their practical and theoretical experience with our guests. Also we are glad to organize your specific event - so contact us!
As we are sure that any information is better perceived in air of kindness, our space is constantly full of warmth  and hospitality.

We are glad to any cooperation.