05 мая 2015
Kizhi is one of the most beautiful Russian open-air museums. This is unique, historical and cultural natural complex. Ensemble of Kizhi graveyard is the heart of the museum collection and is UNESCO object. There are architectural monuments, everyday items, icons that have been (over last three centuries) created in Russian, Karelian and Vepsian villages of different parts of Obonejie.
Church of the transfiguration (22 domes) is famous all over the world. It is the center of the ensemble, it was built up in была 1714 at the public expense after fire of 17th century that had destroyed previous buildings. This church (including dome and cross) is made of wood with the help of axe and chisel without nails. By the way, long life of Kizhi churches is explained in the following way: they were created without using saw, as processing of wood with the help of axe doesn’t destroy its structure. That is why the churches live.
Russian North is called treasury of wooden architecture. Extent of constructing imagination and luxury of shapes – you can see all these here, nowhere else.
Our author Ivan Kuznetsov has visited Kizhi and made some inspiring photos. Here we share them: